Map Ranking


Tribe name:flags
Number of members:7
Points of the best 20 players21.665
Total points:21.665
Average points:3.095
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 7.042.712 (55.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
SlackerJ 1 9,457 298 1
ismael662 2 9,085 303 1
pembantu 3 1,211 386 1
SpellMaster 4 1,132 392 1
dorj 5 377 462 1
tronar 6 228 496 1
Sir Cork 7 175 511 1
flags was founded by pembantu. If you have questions please contact pembantu.
This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.
We accept members of all nationalities into the tribe, and at least 500 points.