Map Ranking

sriram s

sriram s
Opponents defeated: 93.173.497 (45.)
Tribe: ICE

Villages (154) Coordinates Points
000 Barbarian village
434|330 9.529
005 Barbarian village
435|330 9.546
02 Delta Plus
417|328 9.995
03 Quarter Back
404|373 9.739
033 NN
442|326 10.197
04 Triceratop
405|369 9.995
04 Uber
388|365 10.228
05 Diego Maradona
387|370 10.228
05 Zumba
395|366 9.045
051 Barbarian village
395|388 10.213
07 Energy Drink
386|365 10.200
07 Gorilla
409|369 10.200
167 NN
441|337 10.226
171 NN
441|327 10.130
174 NN
441|326 10.213
176 NN
439|328 10.344
178 NN
444|330 9.965
179 NN
441|324 10.159
182 NN
437|331 10.313
186 NN
440|328 9.785
191 NN
446|326 9.737
223 NN
442|329 10.080
228 NN
443|329 9.878
229 NN
441|329 10.196
230 NN
442|330 9.878
231 NN
439|329 10.080
232 NN
438|329 9.721
234 NN
437|328 9.625
762 - Kitchen Nightmare
404|368 11.054
466|315 9.873
440|329 9.835
A Singularity.
458|311 9.852
410|379 9.973
411|379 10.136
411|377 10.019
All I Do Is Sink.
447|326 9.852
465|314 9.852
Barbarian village
402|384 9.593
Barbarian village
407|380 9.998
Barbarian village
403|385 9.738
Barbarian village
458|353 10.586
Barbarian village
404|366 9.736
Barbarian village
385|364 9.973
Barbarian village
471|324 10.586
Barbarian village
388|362 9.504
Barbarian village
419|340 9.506
Barbarian village
417|338 9.476
Barbarian village
421|335 9.459
Barbarian village
419|335 9.830
Barbarian village
421|336 9.857
Barbarian village
414|337 9.432
Barbarian village
420|337 9.551
Barbarian village
415|337 9.471
Barbarian village
422|335 7.105
Barbarian village
460|316 10.566
Barbarian village
419|339 9.457
Barbarian village
416|327 9.386
Barbarian village
453|315 9.449
Barbarian village
416|326 9.611
Barbarian village
417|325 9.658
Barbarian village
415|322 9.490
Barbarian village
416|321 9.551
Barbarian village
418|323 9.435
Barbarian village
415|321 9.517
Barbarian village
415|327 9.466
Barbarian village
417|318 9.486
Barbarian village
416|323 9.517
Barbarian village
415|324 9.486
Barbarian village
418|315 9.463
Barbarian village
417|307 9.475
456|311 9.852
Bondi St. Blues.
445|325 9.849
Calm Snow.
467|319 9.876
401|366 10.178
459|321 9.852
Drunk with Power.
458|309 9.852
397|367 9.366
396|367 9.183
398|367 9.054
Fake Affront.
455|308 9.852
Get the Lead Out.
461|312 9.852
460|313 9.711
Grow a Pair
383|466 9.555
461|311 9.852
I m here what you going to do?
398|480 9.797
Lets Just Flag Farm
402|367 11.602
Lets Just Flag Farm
400|368 10.033
Lets Just Flag Farm
409|333 11.838
Lets Just Flag Farm
410|334 11.932
Lets Just Flag Farm
408|333 11.838
Lets Just Flag Farm
407|333 11.867
457|310 9.852
458|312 9.852
460|311 9.852
Part time catter
397|479 9.860
Part time slaughter Full timefun
394|464 10.199
REV 22:20.
463|312 9.711
Right in Two.
463|314 9.852
Rosetta Stoned.
464|312 9.852
465|316 9.861
Display all leftover 54 villages
Personal picture
Victory achievements
Master of Battle

You defeated the most opponents on World 23.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 89 with your tribe Destroyers.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 102 with your tribe The Mad Elements.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 23 with your tribe Ground Hog Day.

Daily achievements
2x Defender of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as the defender.

Best result: on 14.02.2024 (320.353 units)

Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Gold - Level 4)

While supporting other villages, lose 100.000 of your units.

Leader (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat a total of 20.000.000 enemy units.

Plunderer (Gold - Level 4)

Plunder resources from other villages 10.000 times.

Reliable Commander (Gold - Level 4)

Support other players 3.000 times in battles.

Robber (Gold - Level 4)

Loot a total of 100.000.000 resources.

Scout Hunter (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 500 scouting attacks.

Self-attack (Gold - Level 4)

Attack yourself and lose more than 10.000 units in one battle.

Successful noble claims (Gold - Level 4)

Conquer 100 claimed villages.

Master of the Battlefield (Silver - Level 3)

Completely destroy 1.000 hostile armies.

Nobles Faith (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat 100 noblemen in battle.

The Warlord (Silver - Level 3)

Attack 100 different players

Wallbreaker (Silver - Level 3)

Destroy 2.500 Wall levels using your rams.

Conquest (Bronze - Level 2)

Conquer a total of 50 villages.

Demolisher (Bronze - Level 2)

Destroy 250 building levels using catapults.

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)

Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.

Beloved Friend (Wood - Level 1)

Make a total of 5 friendships.

Growth achievements
Band of Brothers (Gold - Level 4)

Have 10 paladins.

Librarian (Gold - Level 4)

Discover 12 unique Skill Books.

Market Guru (Gold - Level 4)

Trade resources using the market 1.000 times.

Paladin's level (Gold - Level 4)

Level up your paladin to level 30.

Recruitment Drive (Gold - Level 4)

Recruit a total of 1.000.000 units!

Accomplished student (Silver - Level 3)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 100 skill levels.

Architect (Silver - Level 3)

Build a total of 5.000 building levels!

Continent scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 5 of a continent!

Gatherer (Silver - Level 3)

Scavenge a total of 10.000.000 resources.

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Wealth comes in gold (Silver - Level 3)

Mint 5.000 gold coins.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Top scorer (Wood - Level 1)

Make it into the top 1.000 in the world.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 15)

Play Tribal Wars for 15 years.

Barricade Battle: Did you find him yet?

Lead the daily ranking at the end of the event day.

Barricade Battle: Detective (Wood - Level 1)

Clear 25% of the stages.

Barricade Battle: Predator (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat 10.000 enemy units in the Barricade Battle.

Battle of the Tower: Ice Wall!

Lead the defense ranking at the end of a battle.

Battle of the Tower: New World Conqueror (Gold - Level 4)

Help your group to annex 25 sectors in the Battle of the Tower.

Beast Mountain: Equip your hero

Equip your hero with all pieces of equipment.

Beast Mountain: Hunter (Bronze - Level 2)

Defeat 2 beasts in the Beast of the Black Mountain event.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 40 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Silver - Level 3)

Explore 3 different islands.

The Strategist (Bronze - Level 2)

Awarded for performing 10 double changes.

Card Master (Wood - Level 1)

Awarded for winning 20 rounds.

Achievements on other worlds
World 89

World 102

World 106

World 107

World 109

World 117

World 119

World 120

World 121

World 122

World 124

World 128

World 140

World 23

World 98

World 138

World 139