Map Ranking

The Expendables

Tribe name:The Expendables
Number of members:2
Points of the best 20 players1.904
Total points:1.904
Average points:952
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 11.217.508 (46.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
dino777 1 1,572 368 1
Lou.s (Old Grey Mare) 2 332 476 1
We are all expendables, but we will fight till the end


Recruitment: Limited

If you are below the average, you can apply to [Exp2]

Diplomacy: Limited

Contact Demut to inquire.

( \ K55 Coalition / )
( \ ) ............ ( / )
( ) ( ............ )( )
( / ) .... [Exp] .... ( \ )
( / .... [Exp2] .... \ )
( / .... +KN+ .... \ )
( / .... -KN- .... \ )

Mess with one and you get the whole burrito

We honor the coalition, we fight for the coalition, we will stay true to the coalition and we will fall with the coalition.
Thats what allies do ^.^


We came to this world with nothing and we shall leave with nothing... but we will have one hell of a time while doing it