Map Ranking

Aggressively Passive

Tribe name:Aggressively Passive
Number of members:9
Points of the best 20 players8.858.132
Total points:8.858.132
Average points:984.237
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 299.891.921 (13.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Serbian Nightmare (Christopher Columbus) 1 2,470,141 97 266
notthatdeep (Co-Founder) 2 1,969,980 111 190
churchill48018 3 1,802,597 122 202
darkdemon33 (Big Dog) 4 1,491,130 133 146
Animaniacs 5 561,903 173 55
cedar 6 255,377 210 27
Ferrum Skarred 7 132,997 231 14
badbaybob 8 94,896 245 9
narhong 9 79,111 251 8
For general inquires contact notthatdeep or darkdemon33

For Diplomacy contact Serbian Nightmare

AGP is a part of WHOLE