Map Ranking

Coming Soon

Tribe name:Coming Soon
Number of members:12
Points of the best 20 players4.898.071
Total points:4.898.071
Average points:408.173
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 32.964.294 (31.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
queenclaire 1 1,455,216 134 137
noodles 456 2 622,088 167 85
Leon77 3 547,986 173 96
wolfboy 19 4 495,184 178 71
getoutofitbo 5 404,694 195 41
shorty-soldier 6 386,893 198 43
pruyst 7 377,654 200 34
Jaskos 8 239,186 210 24
backdoortony 9 156,550 228 18
danny is the best 10 113,062 235 13
romuloliscabo 11 97,062 243 12
herr.Mika 12 2,496 406 1
The TRUTH is coming SooN